Enrollment Planning and Forecasting the Future

Please accept our apologies - no recording of this webinar is available. If you're interested in learning more about these projections, please reach out to Andrew Drinkwater using the contact form below.

As part of a strategic enrollment plan, it is important to understand the interconnections between different program areas. In this webinar, we discuss:

  • common methods of approval for enrollment plans
  • a central planner and a dean of commerce collaborating on scenarios, ultimately comparing the difference between their results in real time
  • brief summary of changes in international enrolment in BC and Ontario

There's still time to join our May 21 webinar focusing on international enrolment changes in Canada. Learn more at https://at.plaid.is/may21

— Who Should Attend? —

  • Strategic Enrollment Management Leaders & Professionals

  • VPs responsible for Enrollment

  • Institutional Research Professionals

— About — Plaid Forecast is a mobile-friendly, web-based enrolment scenario forecasting platform built exclusively for higher education. This cloud-based platform utilizing supervised machine learning enables collaborative, easy-to-use, accurate enrollment forecasting by many different stakeholders within an institution in seconds rather than hours.

Webinar Details



  • Andrew Drinkwater